Destined To Love You

By  Selina
Published on   Dec. 28, 2021

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Your choices create your own story


You are Pam.

It is a typical day at work.

You work as a software engineer.

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You walk into the office and sit at your desk. James is sitting across from you. You have had a crush on him for a year.

God! James is looking so hot today!

'Hey James! You look great.'

'Thanks, Pam. Always do.'

Sheila, the hottest girl in the office, walks towards your table. She eyes James.

'Hi James! You look handsome.'

'Thanks, Sheila. Means a lot coming from you! You look amazing as always.'

He has a new girlfriend every month. I guess now he's decided on Sheila.

'Hey, Pam! I was wondering if you could have lunch with my brother Henry.'


'Well, actually, I was thinking of taking Sheila out on a date, but I was supposed to meet with my brother. I don't want him to have lunch alone.'

You say..

"Deal with it yourself. I'm busy."
"OK, I'll have lunch with him."

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