Love At First Interview

By  mandy
Published on   Nov. 30, 2021

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Your choices create your own story


You are Jennifer and you have a job interview today.

I just hope I land this job. I badly need it!!

Start To Test

You walk inside JC Tech’s main building and go to the reception area.

'Hello miss. How may I help you?'

'Hi, I am Jennifer Penn. I am scheduled for an interview for the position of secretary to the head of the HR department.'

The receptionist looks at the computer in front of her and then responds after a minute.

'Yes, Miss Penn. Go to the fourteenth floor. Someone will be there to guide you further.'

'Thank you.'

You walk to the elevator and get in. As the door is closing, a man a few years older than you walks in.

He looks very handsome in his expensive black suit. You decide to:

Start a conversation with him.
Ignore him.

Wait a moment, your result is coming soon